Owners' Club of Northern California

Rally Schedule now available!!

The 51st BSA Owners Club International Rally will be held in Petaluma, California, USA. The site is 43 miles north of San Francisco, and 46.5 miles north of Oakland. The rally will begin on May 2, 2014 and run until May 9, 2014. Please the linked booklet below for more information.


Rally Invitation

Booking Information

California Insurance Information

For those shipping a bike to the rally
Updated Dec. 9, 2013

Borrow or Lend a BSA

Updated Booking Form

Latest Updated Rally Information
Updated December 9, 2013

2014 Rally Schedule
Updated April 22, 2014

2014 Rally Group Photos Available
Updated June 8, 2014

Come join us!
Watch here for updated info on the 2014 BSA International Rally in No. California.
Check "Latest Updated Rally Information" above
Last updated June 8, 2014

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